Friday, 19 April 2013

Lack of blogging : (

Hi guys, so I know I've not posted in a long time,
 as you all know I wasn't very well at the beginning of the month, and basically it took me ages to recover!
I've also had a lot to deal with recently and wanted to get my head around things, not to mention all the work I've had to do ... so I've been so so tired! Literally have been falling asleep on the couch or on my bed! hahaha
So im sorry about the lack of blogging recently and hopefully ill be back to posting every couple of days!
Let me know in the comments below anything you'd like me to blog about!:)
x x x

Monday, 1 April 2013

Not very well . . .

Hi guys, hope you all had a lovely Easter yesterday! As you all know I was ill : ( aw
I was planning on doing an OOTD but thought I won't seen as I'm not well and I've got the biggest red nose ever! : (
So instead we went to my aunties for tea with the family, I spent most of my day yesterday watching videos on YouTube and knitting (for my DIY baby blanket)
I kind of felt bad not posting as i was looking forward to doing my first OOTD but instead i took a few pictures of the things I like when I'm not very well : ( 
Here they are . . .

I love doing nail art on mine and other peoples nails! : )

Really want to try out one of these and review it here, comment yes or no?

I took quite a lot of photos i know! : ) hahaha
x x x